• Mayor M., Sahlmann J., Martin E.L., et al.Differential image motion in astrometric observations with very large seeing- limited telescopes. 2024,A&A,Vol.689A,p. A94 (17 pp.). 2024A&A...689A..94L
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  • Dobrycheva D.V., Pavlenko Ya.V., Luk'yanyk I., et al.Numerical simulations of exocomet transits: Insights from β Pic and KIC 3542116. 2024,A&A,Vol.688A,p.65 (9 pp.). 2024A&A...688A..65L
  • Ishchenko M.V., Sobolenko M., Berczik P.,Dynamical evolution timescales for the triple supermassive black hole system in NGC 6240. 2024,A&A,Vol.687L,p.18 (13 pp.). 2024A&A...687L..18B
  • Shubina O.S., Zubko E., Husárik M., et al.Dust properties and their variations in comet C/2013 X1 (PANSTARRS). 2024,A&A,Vol.687A,p.297 (12 pp.). 2024A&A...687A.297S
  • Paolillo M., Carrera F. J., Civano F., et al.Probing supermassive black hole growth and its dependence on stellar mass and star formation rate in low- redshift galaxies. 2024,MNRAS,Vol.527,is.4,p.12091-12108. 2024MNRAS.52712091T





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Astronomic&Space Information and Computing Center

Astronomic&Space Information and Computing Center

The computing laboratory, as part of the Fundamental Astrometry department, was founded in 1965. The head of the laboratory was Dr.Sci Duma D.P. Subsequently the computing laboratory began to deal with measuring devices and was renamed as the Computing and Measuring Center. The head of the Center Dr.Sci Taradiy V.K. established the structure of the Center with the positions for qualified young specialists in programming and electronics engineering. The Astro/Space Information and Computing Center was founded in 1994 on the basis of the Computing and Measuring Center. The head of the ASICC became Dr.Sci. Berczik P.P.

The basic tasks of the Center are: information support of scientific researches of MAO; all kinds of information services providing; MAO-worldwide information exchange support; MAO computing equipment/facilities maintenance; GRID-cluster services.

The ASICC maintains the Observatory's local network of about 200 personal computers.


The Department Staff.

Veles Oleksandr acting Head of ICCASS, senior researcher PhD veles(at)mao.kiev.ua room 117, tel. 7-00
Pakuliak Ludmila senior researcher PhD pakuliak(at)mao.kiev.ua room 220, tel. 3-46
Bulba Tamara lead.engineer   tamara(at)mao.kiev.ua room 231, tel. 3-05
Lobortas Valentin lead.engineer   lobortas(at)mao.kiev.ua room 231, tel. 3-05
Vedenicheva Irina lead.engineer   iv(at)mao.kiev.ua room 231, tel. 3-05
Zolotukhina Anastasia junior researcher   nastya(at)mao.kiev.ua room 218, tel. 3-32
Parusimov Grigoriy engineer I class   parus(at)mao.kiev.ua room 231, tel. 3-05
Sobolenko Margarita engineer I class   sobolenko(at)mao.kiev.ua room 116, tel. 3-47
Ivanov Daniel engineer I class   ivanovdd(at)mao.kiev.ua room 116, tel. 3-47

Scientific and technical group tasks are: programming and technical support of MAO scientific researches, MAO-worldwide information exchange providing, the Observatory computing equipment maintenance.

Local network of MAO NANU. Local network of MAO NANU provides information transferring with speed limit up to 1GBps. Access to the cluster facilities also use 1GBps channel. The UARNET company provides MAO NANU Internet access at present time. The Internet channel capacity increased up to 10GBps since 2012.


MAOLING. CPU 3.4 GHz, 3 GB RAM, 750 GB.

The main MAO server hosts MAO website, ftp-server, the gateway to the MAO local network. This server provides the access to the user's local data from any computer both from the local network and from the outside. LDAP- and DNS- servers are running on MAOLING as well.

OBERON. 2х2 GHz, 16 GB RAM, 1.5 TB.

The OBERON is used for various computational tasks due to its performance. The mirror of the NASA Astrophysics Data System is located on this PC as well.

JANUS / MAIL. 3 GHz, 3 GB RAM, 320 GB. Mail-server based on ZIMBRA software; provides the access to personal MAO mail-boxes through POP-, IMAP- та WEB-interfaces.


The server hosts UAA and Ukrainian Virtual Observatory web-sites and JDA UkrVO control and searching module.